Grammyjem nagrađivani pjevač i autor Seal će 7. studenog objaviti svoj osmi studijski album čiji će izlazak najaviti singl “Let’s Stay Together”.Priprema nove soul kolekcije još je jednom udružila snage legendarnog Trevora Horna (Seal, Seal II, Human Being) koji je zajedno s Davidom Fosterom (Soul, Commitment) zaslužan za produkciju uspješnog albuma ‘Soul’.

‘Soul 2’ bit će kolekcija obrada romantičnih soul klasika iz 70-ih godina, koja će između ostalih uključivati pjesme Marvina Gayea, Billa Withersa, Ala Greena i Teddyja Pendergrassa.
Pjesme su snimane u Londonu i Los Angelesu.

“In my twenty years on a journey in the music industry, two things remain constants, the voice and more importantly, the song.  I continue to make music because of the chance that this day could indeed be the day I write another great song or have the opportunity to sing one.  The songs on Soul 2 are a natural evolution in the arc of soul music from the songs on the first Soul album -- and they are all-time classics,” said Seal.  “One more very important reason why I still make music is the 'gift of collaboration'.  I've been fortunate to work with two such industry greats as Trevor Horn and David Foster on this album and they continue to inspire me each and every day.”

Horn says “Working with Seal is like making music again….even I’d buy this record!”

“While still reeling from the success of Soul, it was even more exciting to have the opportunity to record more of some of the greatest songs ever written,” Foster says. “I am positive fans will not be disappointed in our selection and again, Seal's unique, raw, and, yes, sexy approach to these great classics. I am delighted to share production duties, along with Jochem van der Saag, with one of my all-time favorite record producers, Trevor Horn. His musical history with Seal is rich and runs very deep. Together I believe they made some of the greatest records ever, by anyone. They led, they didn't follow.”

Objavljen u studenom 2008., album ‘Soul’ je bio veliko hit izdanje u cijelom svijetu koje je ovjenčano zlatnim, platinastim i dijamantnim nakladama.

Seal je tijekom svoje karijere koja traje gotovo dva desetljeća, osvojio četiri nagrade Grammy i prodao preko 20 milijuna albuma diljem svijeta. Njegove emotivne i romantične ljubavne pjesme poput “Prayer For the Dying,” Grammyjem nagrađena “Kiss From A Rose”, “Love’s Divine” oduševile su fanove i glazbene kritičare. Veliki uspjeh Sealu je donio i izlet u the dance/pop glazbu. U rujnu 2010, Seal je objavio sedmi studijski album ‘Commitment’ koji je dosegnuo 11. mjesto na britanskoj topli listi najprodavanijih albuma.

Pjesme koje će biti objavljene na ‘Soul 2’ jesu:

“Wishing On A Star”
“Love TKO”
“Ooh Baby Baby”
“Let’s Stay Together”
“What’s Goin’ On”
“Love Don’t Live Here Anymore”
“I’ll Be Around”
“Love Won’t Let Me Wait”
“Lean On Me”
“Oh Girl”

U susret novom izdanju 'Soul 2' koji će Seal objaviti u studenom, šaljemo Vam prvi singl s albuma 'Let's Stay Togehter'!

Singl možete preuzeti s linka:

Link ističe 31. 10.

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