Otvaranje 4. februara 2015. “Lost in a dream” – izlozba fotografija opisuje 6 godina koje su (iz više navrata) proveli na ostrvima Indonezije, istražujući kulturu, aktivan lifestyle surfera i avaturističkog života. “Kao da smo spavali oko 6 godina… I sanjali uvek jedan san…Scenario tog sna je uvek isti… Isto ostrvo, slicni ljudi, poznati osecaji…A iskustvo i dogadjaji uvek drugaciji…


Daleko je to mesto. Dovoljno da ti deluje kao idealno da pobegnes od svega, a onda ti se lagano uvuče po kožu i postane drugi život i druga kuća… Koji voliš kao i onaj prvi. I onda se zapitaš, šta ti ustvari sanjaš? ”


Kroz 19 radova i kratak film dočaraće vam neverovatno iskustvo.


Hiishii photo bio :

Action sports, Lifestyle and Travel photographers, with experience of a professional snowboarder, active and passionate surfer and world traveler. Owners of a digital agency Hiishii Creative and Photo agency Hiishii photo, they are digital nomads traveling the world, working for brands, companies and themselves creating wonders with digital photography and creative online work.


Katarina and Uros, are well known for their strong, narrative and dynamic photography, which they create for last 8 years together. Always working as a team, they love the most the possibility that photography gives them and that is to always be present at the key moment to catch that instant forever. The approach in creating great photography is always the same, with lots of creative energy, technical knowledge and experience they’ve been building for years.

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